Improving Health
Ideal to finish show stock
Maintain top condition
Increased Milk Production
Meat & Fibre Production

PN Stock Minerals are a broad spectrum of dry powder minerals and nutrients that have been researched, developed and improved over the last 25 years. The ingredients in the PN Stock Minerals have been chosen for their unique combination of organic mineral compounds and the availability to deliver instant bio-available nutrients.
Minerals in this product have been extracted and derived from sea plants, kelp, age old healing plants and herbs, dolomite, bentonite, diatomite, MSM sulphur and more.
The ingredients in this product together contain a broad spectrum of 74+ minerals, 14 amino acids and 10 Vitamins.
This blend contains diatomite as well as providing minerals like silica, calcium and phosphorus. Diatoms contain sharp edged and needle like structures that damage the outer membranes of worms and worm eggs causing no harm to the stocks intestines. This may have a natural worming effect.

PN Stock Minerals may assist your stock with:-
- Over 90 Minerals, Vitamins and Amino acids
- Enhanced Feed Conversion
- Detoxification
- A healthier looking coat
- Stronger hooves' and hoof repair
- Improved behaviour
- Improved stamina
- Building a healthier immune system
- Plant derived minerals
- Immune boosting
Organic plant derived mineral supplements for Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Alpaca and more
Many of the minerals in PN Stock Minerals are plant derived, concentrated and many are in colloidal form making the minerals more readily available to the animal. Colloidal minerals may be so small that they need very little or no digestion to pass through the intestinal wall giving instant nutrition to the animal. PN dry mineral licks are left out for stock to access at liberty. They will consume about 20 to 60 grams per day.

Stock Minerals ~ Premium
Ideal for finishing or show stock. The PN Premium Blend offers extra nutrients that may assist weight gain and finishing coats.
PN Premium Stock Minerals have the benefits of Extra Nutrients.(Amino Acids, Vitamins and Omega 3, 6, 9)
Stock Minerals ~ Extra Phos
PN Stock Minerals Extra Phos is ideal for stock that need extra calcium and phosphorus.
Many areas of Australia are low in calcium and phosphorus. High production, drought and dry feed areas may cause calcium and phosphorus deficiency. Calcium is important for healthy bone development & maintenance. Phosphorus is also important in bone formation & maintenance
Minerals ~ Dairy Cattle
PN Dairy Minerals ~ The beneficial effects of using high quality minerals like calcium silica, ( bentonite clays) Sea minerals, kelp, salt, vegetate minerals and diatomaceous earth (or natural silica) in dairy farming have been extensively researched and documented, and shows that they can have a significant positive impact in dairy farming, animal health, pasture quality and most importantly milk and butterfat production.
The benefits of minerals in dairying can be seen through increase, reduction in expenditure and the animals general wellbeing.

Stock Minerals ~ Sheep Lick
PN Sheep Lick is a broad spectrum non toxic broad spectrum mineral concentrate supplement for sheep.
The minerals in this supplement contain extra selenium, zinc and iodine to assist sheep in meat and fibre production. Wool is a mineral tissue and a full spectrum of minerals are needed to maintain healthy strong fibres.